
Dynamically creating a project in VS2005 using C#

Is it possible to progmatically or dynamically create a project in VS2005 using c#? If so could someone provide some ideas or links on how to accomplish this? ...

Passing multi-dimensional arrays in C

Hey guys, I am currently trying to learn C and I have come to a problem that I've been unable to solve. Consider: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define ELEMENTS 5 void make(char **array, int *array_size) { int i; char *t = "Hello, World!"; array = malloc(ELEMENTS * sizeof(char *)); for ...

Dynamic merging of cells in SSRS

In an SSRS Report ,I have a table which has 14 columns, 1st column is 7am and the last column is 7pm. I have 100 records with conference names and the timings, ex: 1) interenational conference 9am to 5pm 2) national conference 8 am to 11 am so the problem is these column cells must merge based on the timings and siplay as one textb...

In ASP.net is it better to use Server Controls within the ASPX page or create them dynamically in the code behind?

I generally prefer to add controls dynamically, like table and generic html controls, to the ASPX page, rather than add them in the ASPX page and set the properties dynamically. Which approach is considered "better practice"? Also is using generic html controls dynamically a better practice than outputting formatted html strings to an ...

Possible to dynamically add an asp:CheckBox control to a TableCell?

Hi everyone, In my .NET application I need to add a checkbox to each row in a dynamically created asp:Table. Is it possible to do that by dynamically creating an asp:CheckBox for each row and somehow put it inside a TableCell object? (In that case how?) Or do I need to replace the asp:table control with something else, like a Repeater ...

Dynamic creation of new lookup tables based on values in main data table

I am working on an application which accepts any uploaded CSV data, stores it alongside other datasets which have been uploaded previously, and then produces output (CSV or HTML) based on the user selecting which columns/values they want returned. The database will be automatically expanded to handle new/different columns and datatypes ...

ContextmenuStrip Width

Hi everyone, I need to change the contextmenustrip width dynamically, by default the contextmenustrip width depends on the text length of the ToolstripmenuItems. And BTW I really don't wanna redraw the control again!!! Thanks in advance. ...

Get a class from my flash library dynamically

I have several bitmaps in my flash library that I have exported for Actionscript. Now depending on the Flashvars I receive I want to load the corresponding library bitmap. How do I load a bitmap class dynamically? ...

Is dynamically allocated memory (heap), local to a function or can all functions in a thread have access to it even without passing pointer as an argument

Hello, I have a very basic question and need help. I am trying to understand what is the scope of a dynamically allocated memory (on heap). #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> //-----Struct def------- struct node { int x; int y; }; //------GLOBAL DATA------ //-----FUNC DEFINITION---- void funct(){ t->x = 5; //**can I...

How to insert dynamically through a variable in PL/SQL??

Lets create a table first create table test ( id number, name varchar2(20) ); Now during insert, i wanna hold the data into variable first & then dynamically pass the variable into the VALUES clause. declare v_data varchar2(50); begin v_data:='1,sunny'; execute immediate 'insert into test values(v_data)'; commit; end; But ...

How do I dynamically load a js file using Prototype?

Hello, I am using prototype to load external js file (actually it is php file) dynamically. Like this: function UpdateJS(file) { var url = 'main_js.php?file='+file; var myAjax = new Ajax.Request( url, {method: 'get', onComplete: showResponseHeader} ); } function showResponseHeader (originalRequest) { $('jscode').innerHTML = o...

Clicking on several links part dynamically generated

Hi all, I'm new in Selenium and testing matters. I'm trying to capture the id of an hyperlink element that is dynamically part generated. The click action is recorded like as below when i make click on in selenium, the part in bold are dynamically generated, there are many of them on my page and can differ from one site to another(I'm t...

performance questions on dynamically loading Javascript Objects

Which is faster, Using an XMLHTTP Get request and than using eval() for the reponsetext Using the JSONP technique for loading a script and then evaling the innerHtml of the script. Dynamically adding a script tag to the head of a document where the javascript object is being assigned to a variable? My gut tells me this should be opt...

DataGridview Problem

I have three column in my datagridview .One is text ,one is Combo and another one is Text ...i dont want to use datasource want to add values on cell like datagridview.Rows[].cells[].value. Help me how i can do it? My database have several columns...How to add column value dynamically.... ...

How to get data from dynmically created Treeview.

I am using ComponentArt Third party controls for ASP.NET 2.0. Here is the problem i am facing. I created some ComponentArt.Web.UI.TreeView at runtime on Page_Load. Now at click event of a button, i want to get values of the selected nodes in the treeview. Can someone help ....! ...

Passing dynamically allocated integer arrays in C

Hello, I read the example on "Passing multi-dimensional arrays in C" on this site. It is a great example using char arrays, and I learned a lot from it. I would like to do the same thing by creating a function to handle a dynamically allocated one-dimensional integer array, and after that, create another function for handling a multi-...

Alternatives to create swf files (which has external content loaded into them) dynamically?

I'm about to start a project where there will be a Flash application where the visitor customizes a profile with externally loaded images and texts. Then the visitor needs to be able to download that profile as a dynamically created swf with all that external content baked into the swf. Any ideas how to achive this? Thank you! ...

dynamically change css attribute's value in asp.net

how can i change the css attribute value at runtime like all h1 color="blue" and all p color="green". if anyone know it please help me! ...

How to dynamically parse and compare string values in C#?

Sorry that I had to re-edit this question. I need to dynamically parse two string values to the appropriate type and compare them, then return a bool result. Example 1: string lhs = “10”; string rhs = “10”; Compare.DoesEqual(lhs, rhs, typeof(int)); //true Compare.DoesEqual(lhs, rhs, typeof(string)); //true Example 2: string lhs = ...

PHP - some pictures doesn't load (css problem?)

Hello, i am dynamically loading a website via file_get_contents with the following script. <?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'); $url = (substr($_GET['url'], 0, 7) == 'http://') ? $_GET['url'] : "http://{$_GET['url']}"; $base_url = explode('/', $url); $base_url = (substr($url, 0, 7) == 'http://') ? $base_url[2] ...