
How to display an ASPX in another ASPX's DIV dynamically at runtime?

Here is what I am trying to do in ASP.NET: Create one page called Main.aspx. This page has a DIV and a buttons. The browser loads Main.aspx. Then when I click the button, I want to load page Page99.aspx into the DIV in Main.aspx dynamically, but without Main.aspx requiring a postback. So, Main.aspx loads once, and thereafter all the c...

Hows the syntax to getProperty dynamically?

Is this possible and if, how? item.foo = "moo" def x = "foo" item.[x] = "moo" ...

jquery remove parent not working on dynamically created divs

hello to all, im trying to use jquery in order to make a button remove its parent div. my markup: <div class="web_store_fields" id="web_store_input1"> <p> <label for="web_store_address[]" >Store Address : </label> <input name="web_store_address[]" class="web_store_info" type="text" value="http://www." size="35"/> <input class...

Add PNG image to picturebox dynamically?

I can't add a PNG image that contains alpha chanel into a picturebox dynamically by code because it always replace the transparent area with the black color. Is there a way to do it? ...

Flex - How can I define a function in one component from another?

I'm a complete Flex/Flash noob, running Adobe Flash Builder 4 Beta 2. I have a main component that needs to be able to call several popups, each mostly the same except for one function and a few labels. Obviously, I'd prefer to be able to define this function and change those labels when calling the popup instead of having tons of .mxm...

Retaining viewstate in textboxes found in a dynamically created table

Hello Guys! My problem is that I have an ASPX page which contains an ASP:Table. The rows for the table is added dynamically on Page_Load. One column in the table contains TextBoxes, BUT when I type something on a TextBox and cause a postback, I am unable to find the value just entered. And above that the table is not displayed after the ...

Dynamically changing a WPF ListView between one that contains a GridView with column headers and another view that doesn't

I'm not quite sure how to go about this so any advice would be much appreciated. I have a ListView whose default implementation is using with column headers. At runtime in the program I would like to be able to click on a button at runtime to change the view so that the list view loses the GridViewColumn headers and implements a new st...

Dynamic JQuery date picker code

Hi All Plz consider about this question.I have done my all use case except this one.In my use case I need to create dynamic filter that add/ remove rows dynamically.It contains a drop down box.depending upon drop down box value you are selecting,I create dynamic TD it may be text field or drop down list.If it text field then I hav...

How to list source code file names at Java run time ?

When my program starts to run, how do I list available java source file names ? For example, I have a few dozen source files named "My_App_*.java" in my src directory, after I start my app, how can I call Java to list source files start with "My_App_" dynamically ? Frank ...

Dynamically create controls using stringbuilder

hi, i have been trying to create controls dynamically on my web page using the StringBuilder class..and i dont quite seem to get through... any help would be appreciated. i am trying to do this... StringBuilder sbTest = new StringBuilder(string.Empty); sbTest.Append("<input type=\"text\" id=\"txt1\" runat=\"server\" />"); Response.W...

onclick event not working after ie7 reload

I am using Javascript to dynamically create part of my page content. A routine that generates a set of img tags is called from the window.onload event. Those img tags are assigned attributes, including an onclick event. The img tags host thumbnail images that, when clicked, change the src property of the image in the main view div. E...

Ruby metaclass madness

I'm stuck. I'm trying to dynamically define a class method and I can't wrap my head around the ruby metaclass model. Consider the following class: class Example def self.meta; (class << self; self; end); end def self.class_instance; self; end end Example.class_instance.class # => Class Example.meta.class # => Class Ex...

$.ajax not loading data data everytime from server

I have written a simple jQuery.ajax function which loads a user control from the server on click of a button. The first time I click the button, it goes to the server and gets me the user control. But each subsequent click of the same button does not goes to the server to fetch me the user control. Since my user control fetches data fr...

Loading Views dynamically

Case 1: I have created View-based sample application and tried execute below code. When I press on "Job List" button it should load another view having "Back Btn" on it. In test function, if I use [self.navigationController pushViewController:jbc animated:YES]; nothing gets loaded, but if I use [self presentModalViewController:jbc ...

How to add an image dynamically at runtime in java

I've been trying to load up an image dynamically in runtime for the longest time and have taken a look at other posts on this site and have yet to find exactly the thing that will work. I am trying to load an image while my GUI is running (making it in runtime) and have tried various things. Right now, I have found the easiest way to c...

How to add dynamically a component in JSF2 during an Ajax request.

Hello, I am currently trying to dynamically add a new component to the JSF component tree during an ajax request. In fact I add a child to the UIViewRoot component in my AjaxBehaviorListener which is fired on server side during the ajax request process. The issue is that the new component is not rendered. It seems that this component ...

jquery add row on click only if it's empty?

The code below works, insomuch that if I click in an input field, it'll add another row. I'm trying to figure out though, how to do that only if the input field is empty? $("#tableSearchData > tbody > tr > td > input").bind('focus', function(){ var row = $(this).closest("tr").get(0); if( row.className....

Dynamically adding columns to a table in an ASP.NET MVC view

I am returning an IList to my model of data about users. I want my end users to be able to select which columns they want to see. I know I can do this with a huge "if statement" however, I know there must be a better way. I have created an Enum with the column names. I feel if I could take the IListItem.EnumName I would be set. Howev...

Add dynamical elements in a Iframe element than i create

Hi, i have a litle problem if i create a dynamically IFRAME element and i agregate dynamically elements to the new iframe. It works If i do that: var miiframe=document.getElementById("miiframe"); var myElement=content.document.createElement("LABEL"); myElement.innerHTML="blabla"; miiframe.contentDocument.body.appendChild(myElement); b...

Saving dynamically added text input to MySQL.

Hey all, using this method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1501181/jquery-append-and-remove-element i'm adding text inputs to a document. i'm using this php if($_POST['cp_slider']) { $array=$_POST['cp_slider']; foreach($array as $cp_slider) { if(strlen($cp_slider)>0){ echo '<li><input type="text" name="cp_slider[]" value="'.$this->op...