
TypeError: Result of expression 'printWindow' [undefined] is not an object.

I'm trying to create hidden iframes in my page dynamically to load 3 other pages so that i can grab all the HTML and combine them into 1 in a new window. However i'm stuck at this. tHe frames are created fine. But whenever the javascript runs to the part of var printWindow=""; function openNewWindow() { printWindow = window.op...

how could I generate xsd dynamically...

Hello I want to generate a xsd file dynamically, I don't want to use jaxb because it creates alot of files when I use schemagen and I want the schema in one file only. any idea? thx al ...

Make Apache Web Server load new images and CSS

How to make apache web server dynamically load new CSS and images? The purpose is to change the look and feel of portals in a cluster of load balanced web server instances, dynamically. I get a list of files that are changed and would be pushing to web server instances. Now the web server should, display the new CSS and images instead of...

How to dynamically assign a value to a class property in PHP?

I would like to assign a value in a class property dynamically (that is referring to it using a variable). #Something like: setPropValue($obj, $propName, $value); ...

Dynamically adding meta tags using php

Hi, In my site I have a list of categories and I have to put meta keywords and description for them.I have a single page where I will retrieve the categories from the database. Can anyone tell me how to make this much simpler to put meta tags for all the categories. Regards, Rekha http://hiox.org ...

Can a Heroku app add/remove dynos or workers to/from itself?

Heroku allows you to add and remove dynos and workers on the fly and charges you per second that each is used. Is it possible to set up my app so that it can add/remove dynos and workers from itself depending on the load it's under? This paragraph on Heroku.com mentions an API, but I can't find out much more about it. ...

Why dynamically created HTML Input is Empty After Postback

Hi, I add HTML and tags to Page dynamically. But after every postbost, all values are empty. What can I do for Solve? ...

Dynamically Modify CSS from GWT

for example I have a css in test.css given below. .test { top:100px; } how can i increment top property from GWT ? ...

Does HyperDescriptor work when built in .NET 4?

I'm working on a .NET 4 project, and would be able to benefit from the dynamic property access that HyperDescriptor provides, but it doesn't seem to be working properly when built in .NET 4. I downloaded the source from CodeProject, converted the solution an projects to VS2010, and updated the target framework to 4.0. While it builds, ...

Change appearence of page dynamically like twitter or tumblr

Hi, I'm trying to find tutorials or code to allow users to customise their page, just like twitter ,wordpress and tumblr do. Could someone tell me what technology their using? i'm a .net developer, but maybe they're using jquery? Any help would be great. Thanks ...

How To: Dynamically-defined properties in Java

Hi, How can I define some properties dynamically in Java. For now, I'm using a properties file, but I need to change these properties before installation, so these properties should be set in a file outside the jar (or install) file. These properties define my IBatis connection. Thansk in advance, Victor ...

get client's location through google map api

Dear all, I would like to get client location dynamically through google maps api. Below are my code: /*Call external api dynamically*/ var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=" + api_key + "&callback=loadm"; script.type = "text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head...

Raphael JS resize Canvas

Hi there I'm programming a debate-graph for my bachelor thesis with Raphael JS. point is, users can add nodes to the graph. eventually the graph gets really big and the canvas is still the same size. the canvas (in raphael js: paper) is inside another div with "overflow: scroll;", so lets ignore screen real estate so is there a way tha...

Generate webservice stub from wsdl in Java

I am working on eclipse plugin which will have a wizard. This wizard will be available form example from context menu while mouse right click on Java editor. The wizard will be responsible for collecting such information as: location of WSDL filePackage name When the wizard finishes, I would like to have stub of a webservice described...

Dynamic (2 levels) Javascript/CSS Loading IE6

Hi all, i am trying to dynamically include js (and css) files into a webpage like this: index.html -> loader_a.js -> a_foo.js, a_bar.js, a_foo.css and so on. While this works without a problem in FF (using appendChild) i cant get it to run in IE6. I've tried various available solutions (adding to dom node, ajax call and eval and more fro...

WPF Styling a Cell Dynamically

Hi, I have a requirement to generate a "report" in WPF which is simply a grid. However, the columns and the styling rules (e.g. "Red if value below zero") for this grid are unknown at compile time. There are hundreds of questions like this and I must have read over half of them but I cannot find a solution to this requirement which wo...

How can i increase the button width dynamically depends on the text size in iphone?

Hi Buddies, I have created 10 buttons programmatically and set the titles in the button. Now i want to increase the button frame size dynamically,its depends on the text. I given some conditions and set the frame size. but how can i set the exact frame size depends on the text(get the text dynamically). Here my sample code is, f...

Generate xml or rss from entity dynamically

I want to generate xml and rss from entity dynamically in asp.net webforms. I think the best way is attribute based definition: by default, all properties should be included in xml and if we want to exclude some, we should define in the properties attributes. In rss it is reversed... ...

Creating a C# WPF Image Button with a template that I can alter in code dynamically

Hey, I was figuring out how to create an image button template in C# WPF, and I came upon this . This seems really useful to me except for two problems: I want to be able to change the images dynamically in the C# codebehind, as this button will be using images that I am loading dynamically through XML documents. FIXED I'm getting the ...

Dynamic markers on a map?

Hey Guys, How would dynamically draw markers on a Mapview? I've got the following code which will hardcode one point in. I'm looking to pull values from a database.. //---translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels--- Point screenPts = new Point(); mapView.getProjection().toPixels(p, screenPts); /...