
Dynamically populate a listbox from a textbox in ASP.NET MVC 2

Here's what i'm trying to do: 1 textbox with an Add button, and a ListBox underneath with a Delete button, along with a bunch of other fields. You can probably guess the functionality: type something in the text box and click Add, it will add that string into the listbox below. Select an item in the listbox and hit Delete, the item is ...

Binding the combobox in C# desktop application

Hi there, I am working on a project for my college where I need to bind data from database into the combobox. I need to store the roll no / enrollment no in the "value" field of combobox and name of the student in the "text" property of the combobox. How can I do that?>??? Please reply ASAP.... ...

Dynamically creating an Expression calling method EntityFunctions.DiffDays

I am trying to create the following Where clause expression dynamically: context.Cars. Where(c => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(c.Created, c.Created) == null). ToList() This is the code I am using to create the expression: var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Car), "c"); var property = Expression.Property(parameter, "Created"); var...

calling the function, which is stored in a string variable.

it may be a duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1120228/how-to-dynamically-call-a-class-method-in-net and of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3918431/how-to-achieve-calling-a-function-dynamically-thats-right-the-function-to-be-cal but the above two have solutions which as the answers said are complicated, not for a be...

how to dynamically update database such that similar strings should not repeat in it

Hi, I am trying to update the database dynamically.But if i enter the same string twice...it is poped twice i m trying to replace it but still not working.Can anyone help me out... ...

Crystal Reports Change database connection dynamically (c#) - Missing parameter values

Hi there! I will put the sofware used first, just in case it helps a bit: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. ,Microsoft Crystal Reports(year 2005), Crystal reports view as pdf from an webapplication (c#). I have a crystal report document, created by the Crystal Reports IDE which has 2 parameters and setting them in preview mode work. I clo...

How to create LINQ QUERY dynamically?

Hi all! Is there any way to insert part of the code between { } dynamically? LINQ QUERY: var csvdata = from csvline in csvlines let column = csvline.Split(';') select new { produkt = column[0], cislo = column[1], part = column[2], ...

How to find Dynamic control in Java Script created using asp.net

Hi all , I have created dynamic controls in ASP.NET as following .. first i have created checkbox as CheckBox chkDynamic = new CheckBox(); Then TextBox txtDynamic = new TextBox(); txtDynamic.ID = "txtDynamic"; and these controls added in tablecell added in tableRow added in Table added in aspPanel(Only panel created at design pag...

How to automatically display an overlay when the button is pressed.

I know there is the selector method for the pressed and normal state xml method. However, for that method, you always need 2 image resources. So for every button, you need an alternate one for the pressed state. If you have 25 buttons, you will need 50 buttons. Is there any way to do this dynamically? ...

how to add struts element <html:option> into form using javascript

hi expert, i need to set value for drop down box when form is load, so i'm able to create normal html element dynamically using javascript as below, addOption(document.form[0].templateCategory,i,templateCategory[i]); function addOption(selectbox, text, value) { var optn = document.createElement("OPTION"); optn.text = text; optn.v...

Split DetailsView Dynamically in asp.net

Hi, I Want to split a detailsview in runtime;for example when its number of rows are more than 10.my detailsview's row dynamically make in runtime so detailsview have not any fields in definition in asp page(such as template fields and etc). I googled it and I guess I have to change render method of detailsview but I don't know how to do...

how to load the images in my view dynamically in a scroll view in iPhone

Hi all... i want to display many images like thumbnails in a scroll view and and i want the images displayed dynamically we scrolls down or left like a table view cells can u please tell how to that... Thanks ...