



Total Objective-C / Cocoa Touch noob here, beware.

I'm trying to intercept when a user long presses on a UITextView (a magnifying glass then appears with the caret positioner) and then releases the touch, i.e. when normally the "Select" and "Select All" Options appear, after the magnifying glass. I want to replace this with my own custom action that is then performed.

Is this possible?


You can try something like this:

Disable the built-in long press recognizer

for (UIGestureRecognizer *recognizer in textView.gestureRecognizers) {
  if ([recognizer isKindOfClass:[UILongPressGestureRecognizer class]]){
    recognizer.enabled = NO;

Then add your own

UILongPressGestureRecognizer *myLongPressRecognizer = [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:<your target> action:@selector(<your custom handler>)]; 
[textView addGestureRecognizer:myLongPressRecognizer];
[myLongPressRecognizer release];
This looks good...but is there any way for me to keep the magnifying glass? What I'm mainly interested in is the release of the long press AFTER the magnifying glass-
Hmm, haven't tried that before. You can try overriding the method that handles the magnifying glass to add your handling when it ends, but it's probably a private method, so that may not work out well with Apple's review team. The other way is to re-implement the magnifying glass yourself.