



Hi i am working on displaying a ExtJS Grid. I got everything correct except the part about proxy with in the Json store. When I try to display it throws an error. I figured out that i need to do something in the store but not sure what. the variable list data has the Json Array string. Please any help is really appreciated. thanks

this.proxy is undefined{;this.resumeEvents();return B}});

var listData = <%=aItems%> ;
var AIGrid;

Ext.onReady(function ()
           var AIRecord =[
              name: "ID",
              type: "int",
              mapping: "ID"
           }, {
              name: "WSTITLE",
              type: "string",
              mapping: "WSTITLE"
           }, {
              name: "REQ_ATTUID",
              type: "string",
              mapping: "REQ_ATTUID"
           }, {
              name: "DESCRIPTION",
              type: "string",
              mapping: "DESCRIPTION"
           }, {
              name: "RES_ATTUID",
              type: "string",
              mapping: "RES_ATTUID"
           }, {
              name: "RESOLUTION",
              type: "string",
              mapping: "RESOLUTION"
           }, {
              name: "START_TIME",
              type: "string",
              mapping: "START_TIME"
           }, {
              name: "END_TIME",
              type: "string",
              mapping: "END_TIME"

           var AIreader = new
              root: "root",
              id: "ID"
           }, AIRecord);

           var AIstore = new
              nocache: true,
              data: listData,
               reader: AIreader

           var AIcol = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
              header: 'ID',
              readOnly: true,
              dataIndex: 'ID',
              width: 30
           }, {
              header: 'Work Step',
              dataIndex: 'WSTITLE',
              width: 200,
              readOnly: true
           }, {
              header: 'Requester',
              dataIndex: 'REQ_ATTUID',
              width: 80,
              readOnly: true
           }, {
              header: 'Description',
              dataIndex: 'DESCRIPTION',
              width: 300,
              readOnly: true
           }, {
              header: 'Resolver',
              dataIndex: 'RES_ATTUID',
              width: 80,
              readOnly: true
           }, {
              header: 'Resolution',
              dataIndex: 'RESOLUTION',
              width: 300,
              readOnly: true
           }, {
              header: 'Start',
              dataIndex: 'START_TIME',
              width: 100,
              readOnly: true
           }, {
              header: 'End',
              dataIndex: 'END_TIME',
              width: 100,
              readOnly: true

           AIcol.defaultSortable = true;

           AIGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel(
              store: AIstore,
              cm: AIcol,
              enableColLock: true,
              title: 'Open Action Items',           
              width: 900,
              height: 500,              
              selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(
                 singleSelect: true



I got the answer. with a little extra research over the internets. I used MemoryProxy to load the local data. that solved the problem. Yay!!