



Preferably in C++, but code in all languages would be good to. Should be well categorized for different purposes, and have side by side comparisons.

To clarify what I'm looking for. Let's say I wanted to find a graphics library. I would search for that, and it would give me a list:

SDL OpenGL Ogre Allegro etc...

Each one would be rated by users and or professional reviewers, and some of the more popular ones would have written reviews.


As you asked about C++, there is probably no better review process than within Boost. Trust it.

For specific domains, you may get specific review processes. Examples:

Dirk Eddelbuettel
Boost only reviews Boost libraries. I'm talking about libraries of all kinds, even platform specific libraries. For example, Boost does not have a sound library, or face recognition library.
Yes -- because reviewing is hard. Doing it consistently across arbitrary problem domains is near impossible. Hence cherish what is available: Boost.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
I do cherish Boost. I use it all the time, but it doesn't solve my problem here. I know reviewing code isn't easy. But neither is what does in reviewing millions of products of all kinds. It doesn't all have to be done by one person, and it doesn't even have to be done by the maintainers of the website.

You should take a look at OHLOH.

They have online tools that can analyse code from remote repositories like CVS, Subversion, Mercurial, Git and Bazaar.

I just submitted this one for analysis.
