



When attempting to copy a framework into the Frameworks folder of my project in Xcode, I get the error

Could not copy /Developer/Platforms/.../Frameworks/OpenAL.framework to /Users/.../OpenAL.framework

I had accidentally copied the wrong framework with the same name into the project earlier and deleted it, but now I can't copy the correct one in? How do I get totally rid of the wrong version before copying the appropriate version in?

Thanks in advance!

+2  A: 

Why are you trying to copy OpenAL.framework into your project at all? You don't need to copy a framework into your project directory to link against it, and OpenAL.framework is provided by the operating system (as you can tell from it being located under /Developer.)

Also, be aware that third-party frameworks aren't supported on iPhone, you can only use static libraries. I mention this because you added the iPhone tag to your question, so I assume you're building an iPhone application.

Chris Hanson
Are you sure OpenAL isn't supported as a third-party framework? It's used in the iPhone example Crash Landing from Apple's development site.
It's a framework shipped with the operating system. You don't need to copy it into your application.
Chris Hanson
+2  A: 

You can't add a new framework for iPhone development. Instead, you should add an existing framework, and go find the framework in (for example) /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/

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