This is a git question and is not related to Rails.
So - it is quite normal in git and it will happen in situation like this
- aruna: X -> Y
master: A -> B -> C -> D .....
when you merge aruna with master (either by doing merge aruna on the master branch or just by pulling [pull is "two in one" command - it makes fetch & merge]) you will get new "merge" node that is the merge of both branches (nodes C, D & X, Y)
As you are asking I bet that you don't like it. So the possible solution is to rebase the aruna branch instead of merge. For example:
# normally commit everything in your aruna branch
git checkout aruna
git add ...
git commit -m "..." ...
git checkout master
git pull # it will just fetch as there is nothing to be merged
git checkout aruna
git rebase master # and solve possible conflicts
git checkout master
git merge aruna # it will *not* make the "merge node"
git push
As others mentioned - the rebasing is really no option if you already pushed the branch or you have other people who pulled your branch.
But still - rebasing is an option if you are merging your local private branch. Which is a quite common scenario. And as your branch is named "aruna" (your name) I thought that's the case. But as I think about it again there is no reason to think so :-)
While rebasing (local feature branch), you will lost some part of history that says that you did your commits in parallel. But the trade-off is that you will have simpler narrow tree.