



For testing exception handling in the case of a broken connection it is useful to be able to programmatically request the database to kill a connection.

What's the best way to do that?

+2  A: 

Here are a couple of bits of code to handle that. This works in a RAC multi-node environment. It assumes you have a TNS entry for each of your cluster instances.

  1. a shell script to kill a connection:

    # oracle-killsession -- kill a specified oracle session
    sid=$1; ser=$2; inst=$3
    echo -n sys password:
    stty -echo; read pass; stty echo
    echo "alter system kill session '$sid,$ser';"|
         sqlplus -SL sys/$pass@$inst as sysdba
  2. a client-side function (this in python) to generate a call to the script. I call this at the beginning of my test program and print the string so I can cut and paste.

    def killstring(curs):
        """return a string that will kill this db connection"""
        curs.execute("""SELECT dbms_debug_jdwp.current_session_id,
                               sys_context('USERENV', 'INSTANCE_NAME')
                        FROM dual""")
        s="oracle-killsession %s %s %s"%(sid,serial,instance)
        return s
  3. and a sample invocation

    $ oracle-killsession 98 45809 orcl2
    sys password:
    System altered.
  4. and from my client... hooray!!!

    cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-00028: your session has been killed
Mark Harrison