



hi everyone

I have implemented tree within combobox using idea from this thread

but when [+] or arrow on tree is clicked, the combobox collapses

Is there any way to stop this????????

Please help me....Thanks alot.......



Same problem here -- my workaround is to show the tree expanded by default. Yet that doesn't solve the issue with the arrows...

Basically the combobox sees a "blur" event when clicking on the tree and thus collapses. But I don't know how to prevent that.

By the way, if someone had a fully working "combobox + tree" solution for ExtJS, that would be very helpful. Because the solution provided on the Sencha forums is quite limited:

  • Display and value of the combobox has to be the same (whereas I'd like its value to be the tree's node ID)
  • There's no way to "restore" the value/display of the combobox when it's part of a form (e.g. using "form.loadRecord()")
Hi thanks for replying. I tried to track but i think when i click on [+] of tree, it doesn't fire events like beforeBlur, blur, beforeselect, change, select and collapse. Out of these only collapse event was fired.Regards