



Hi guys,

I am getting very annoying message called "system.outofmemory.exception" while I do have a lot of unused memory in my laptop. Unless I closed and re-opened the solution, it won't letting me to continue my work.

Is there any configuration or service pack that can fix the issue ?


+1  A: 

Try reinstalling VS and run a memory check. If there's any update that is able to correct an issue like this, it's maked as important on Microsoft Update, so be sure to run it and select all the updates marked as important. Also, check if running VS as administrator solves the problem, sometimes a normal user has some limitations (on business' networks it's possible that the IT limits memory usage by program, and windows 7 has some new security policies that I'm not sure how they work yet but running a program like adminitrator usually solves the problem).

@Gmoliv. The things happens in the middle of a work. While it is working properly, it will throw the exception. I also tried reinstalling it. I do have Administrative privilege.