Hi All, I want to get the user name who has launched the given application. For Example if Outlook or IE is launched I need to get the Name of the user who has launched it. This should be generic across all Windows OS . But the solution given below is failing in Windows 2003 user ,in both ADMIN and Standard User.
That will only return the user name of the current process of the application. The OP asked for a different process. Unless he does inject a remote thread (which is not a good idea at all and may even sometimes not work) and passes the information back that won't work.
2010-10-12 06:32:08
Sorry, misunderstood the question.
2010-10-12 13:39:35
I found this page which gives a function to recover a process owner's name.
Here is the code (not my code and I couldn't test it):
bool ExtractProcessOwner( HANDLE hProcess_i,
CString& csOwner_o )
// Get process token
HANDLE hProcessToken = NULL;
if ( !::OpenProcessToken( hProcess_i, TOKEN_READ, &hProcessToken ) || !hProcessToken )
return false;
// First get size needed, TokenUser indicates we want user information from given token
DWORD dwProcessTokenInfoAllocSize = 0;
::GetTokenInformation(hProcessToken, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &dwProcessTokenInfoAllocSize);
// Call should have failed due to zero-length buffer.
// Allocate buffer for user information in the token.
PTOKEN_USER pUserToken = reinterpret_cast<ptoken_user>( new BYTE[dwProcessTokenInfoAllocSize] );
if (pUserToken != NULL)
// Now get user information in the allocated buffer
if (::GetTokenInformation( hProcessToken, TokenUser, pUserToken, dwProcessTokenInfoAllocSize, &dwProcessTokenInfoAllocSize ))
// Some vars that we may need
TCHAR szUser[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
DWORD dwUserNameLength = MAX_PATH;
TCHAR szDomain[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
DWORD dwDomainNameLength = MAX_PATH;
// Retrieve user name and domain name based on user's SID.
if ( ::LookupAccountSid( NULL,
&snuSIDNameUse ))
// Prepare user name string
csOwner_o = _T("\\\\");
csOwner_o += szDomain;
csOwner_o += _T("\\");
csOwner_o += szUser;
// We are done!
CloseHandle( hProcessToken );
delete [] pUserToken;
// We succeeded
return true;
}//End if
}// End if
delete [] pUserToken;
}// End if
}// End if
CloseHandle( hProcessToken );
// Oops trouble
return false;
}// End GetProcessOwner
Hope it helps.
2010-10-12 06:30:19
This is exactly how it works, you were faster than me ;-) I was just about to write it here too :-)
2010-10-12 06:39:01
But the solution given above is failing in Windows 2003 server,in both ADMIN and Standard User. Subbu
2010-10-14 06:29:16
when try to get the user name in Windows 2003 server ::GetTokenInformation(hProcessToken, TokenUser, NULL, 0, // Call should have failed due to zero-length buffer. if( ::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )GetlastError() gives access denied
2010-10-15 10:42:04
it depends on the user who is launching it. If user is Admin my application will run as Admin. If he is a STD user this will be a Std
2010-10-19 13:25:22