I have this query:
SELECT to_number(gr.code) group_index,
gr.NAME group_name, f.*,
gr.description gr_desc
FROM obj$groups gr, obj$group_objects gro,
obj$group_objects gro2, tdf$flex_fields f,
inv$requests w, inv$Direction_Criterions c
WHERE gr.NO = gro.object_no
AND gro.group_no = obj$group_service.path_to_no(
'Some Condition String',
AND gro2.group_no = gr.NO
AND f.NO = gro2.object_no
AND w.no = 11593597
AND c.direction_no = w.direction_no
AND f.no = c.criterion_no
ORDER BY to_number(gr.code), f.name
Why are two same tables (group_objects) present here? I tried to reverse-engineer this, but couldn't myself, maybe anyone here already know of this trick?
This happens in Oracle database.