



Hi everybody, I'm trying to get a semi-transparent uitableview, with this color

[UIColor colorWithRed:(247.0/255.) green:(151.0/255.0) blue:(121.0/255.0) alpha:0.38];

It's ok if there are only empty cells, but when a cell has content inside, the background turns more solid. It's as if the cell itself had the same table background, so that transparency is multiplied. You can get what I mean looking at the following screenshot

The cells with content inside are semi-transparent, but with a wrong alpha.

The table background is set correctly

self.myTable.backgroundColor = bgcolor;

The background of the cell is set to clear and not opaque

self.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.contentView.opaque = NO;

So, why does it has this behavior? Can someone help me?


It's probably caused by the caching of the cell. Have you tried disabling the cache? It's very inefficient ofcourse, but it might help you find a solution for this issue, if it's indeed the UITableViewCell cache is the problem.

You can disable it by not using the "dequeueReusableCell" function in your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: function.

Wolfgang Schreurs
Thanks for your answer, but even disabling cache didn't solve the problem.

I solved using a transparent UITableView and putting a semi-transparent UIView behind it.
