I've tried searching A LOT for this with no luck (possibly because I'm not using the right technical terms). My issue is mainly to do with linking static libs, compiling and deploying. Before I get into details, my executables compile fine on my system; the main issue is how to deploy these as a working solution to others.
I've written a basic c++ image processing exe that uses OpenCV static libraries (I link these in VC++ using the Project>Properties>Linker> add additional dependencies, as standard). I compile by pointing to the right include files by setting the VC++ Options... basically, it all compiles fine. I now want to be able to deploy this on another PC. I understand I'll need the release version of the exe + static libs... is there anything else?
Some of the libs rely on using libjpeg and libpng; I don't think these are included as standard. Also, I've set the linker path to the static libs to be relative (e.g. resources/libs) so it's not system dependent so it knows where to find the libs. The basic OpenCV data strucs are working fine (e.g. CvPoint), but when I try to load an image using CvLoadImage, the application crashes. If I use standard ifstream fopen instead, I can open the file with no problems (but can't seem to get it into the IplImage OpenCV image strut - does anyone know how to do these? Probably to do with IplImage->imageData.).
Any help very much appreciated. Thanks!