I'm using qt 4.4.3 with c++. I want to implement a QDomDocumentFragment object, and pass it as a return value for a function. I am using it the same way as QDomElement objects, with appendChild():
QDomDocumentFragment rootnode;
QDomNode initmodnode = doc.createElement("initmod");
QDomText initmodval = doc.createTextNode("4");
After inserting 7 other nodes in this way, and returning from the function, I noticed that calling insertAfter() on a QDomElement node with the returned QDomDocumentFragment was not inserting any new children. After debugging with the following code inside the function, I realized no nodes were actually getting inserted into rootnode:
QMessageBox::information(this->owner, QObject::tr("Debug"), QObject::tr("Node has children: ")+QString::number(rootnode.childNodes().size()));
The Message printed was "Node has children: 0". What am I missing here?