It's certainly safe enough. The only issue is response time (as you will be calling the remote web service synchronously), but if you're doing this once only on each insert I don't think that would be much of a problem.
The Google Geocoding API will return results in XML format, so you just need to call the web service URL and pull the information you need from the response.
Here's an example reverse geocoding result:,-73.961452&sensor=false
You don't say which language you're using, but I'm assuming PHP—here's a very basic example of parsing the response and displaying the addresses using SimpleXML:
$lat = 40.714224;
$lng = -73.961452;
$xml = simplexml_load_file("" . $lat . "," . $lng . "&sensor=false");
foreach($xml->result as $result)
foreach($result->address_component as $addresscomponent)
echo $addresscomponent->long_name . ' ';
echo '<br />';