



This is a general problem of how to launch a program without inheriting the admin privileges on the installer. For this particular installer I'm using AutoHotKey, but if I know how to in general I think I might be able to figure out how to do it in my case.

I know how to launch a script with Admin rights what I don't know how to do is launch one with out admin rights. I have an install script that installs a program then launches the program, the problem is that since the install script has admin rights the launched script will have admin rights. I don't want admin rights for the program.

How do I launch a program with out inheriting the admin rights granted to the parent?

To request the admin right I use

if not A_IsAdmin
        , uint, 0
        , str, "RunAs"
        , str, A_ScriptFullPath
        , str, cmd ; Command line argument.
        , str, A_WorkingDir
        , int, 1)  ; Last parameter: SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1

I imagine that there should be another DllCall to launch a program with out admin rights, but I just don't know what it is.