How do we calculate the percentage market share in sql ON MYSQL 5.1 version? I need to find the %age share of each manufacture.The market share is given by number of handsets.
Could you give more details on the structure of the table.
select (100*handsets) /
(select sum(handsets) from handset_sales)
from handset_sales
could be a start
vc 74
2010-10-14 07:14:16
can you give me your email id? I can send you my query there...its a Hw and I cant post it here..plz
2010-10-14 07:24:06
errr.. no sorry
vc 74
2010-10-14 07:29:07
Can't you post a small excerpt of your table description?
vc 74
2010-10-14 07:35:47