



I want to sort lots of locations (waypoints) on their distance from the current location. The current location is, of course, a moving target, so for every location update, recomputing the distance for every location is necessary. But only recomputing for close-by locations would by enough.

I currently use core-data, and store the distance to the current location as an attribute in the table (but only update is when it is changed) from within the configurecell: atindexpath: method. That sort of works, but the application is not responding while core-data automagically is updating all distances. This works for 250 locations, but for 5000 it crashes. I need it to work for 10.000 locations, although I probably only need the 1000 closest locations or so.

Ideas that I did not try yet: Store all distances in a separate in-memory array with nothing but record id and distance. Then sort the array on distance. Problem is that then I can not use a FetchedResultsController because there is no sort field in the database.

Filter locations based on their latitude and longitude by using a predicate. Then only present the filtered locations.

Do the recalculation of distances in a separate thread.

None of the ideas seems easy enough to just try it out.

Anybody with suggestions, different ideas, a variation on my ideas?

+1  A: 

Sounds like you need to convert your locations to positions on a Hilbert curve - then points "near" you are a simple subtraction?

Can't say I know the technique inside out, but that's where I'd start to look

Peter McEvoy
For this I need a "Centre location". so I can treat all locations as points on a flat surface. I think this is suited to 'pre-sort' all locations, so that nearby locations are pre sorted nearby. And all my locations would be in Europe for now. It might be part of the solution.

If what's important is the order (as opposed to having accurate distances), you could sort slices of the waypoint sequence in a moving window (that is, sort items i to i+n, where i changes). Start at the beginning of the waypoint sequence. Sort n items (n = 10 is a good place to start). If any items changed position, move the window forward by n/2 (experiment with different offsets or algorithms to choose an offset) and repeat. Depending on how dense the waypoint are near the current location, I would expect this to stop after only a few sorts.

Note that I haven't thought about this long enough to say whether or not this will actually work.

Of the three options you mention, I like using threads the most. That's the classical way of handling a non-responsive UI when it's blocked by heavy computation.

I now think my strategy will be: Mark a small 'square' part of the map with the current position in center and find all waypoints in this area. Like described in If I have enough waypoints to my liking, I stop. If not enough, I double the range (getting 4 x as many area to cover) and repeat.By doing this in the background, the UI stays responsive.Lastly, if a new position update comes in, I start over with a small bounding box.
You could post that as an answer. Maybe you'll get a self-learner badge.