



I am trying to use Rawr to turn a simple 3-file Ruby project into an executable jar to be run on Ubuntu. I ran jruby -S rawr install to create the Rakefile and set up the directory layout. All my .rb files are under the src directory at the root of the project. When I run jruby -S rake rawr:jar, it compiles all the Ruby files and creates the jar just fine. It then places it in my deploy directory along with lib/java/jruby-complete.jar.

I try executing the jar from inside deploy with java -jar hg_analyzer.jar. However, when I do this I am greeted with this error:

Exception in thread "main" <script>:1:in `require': Linkage error loading compiled script; you may need to recompile 'file:/home/marcw/Documents/hg_analyzer/deploy/jar/hg_analyzer.jar!/main.class': java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jruby/ast/executable/AbstractScript$RuntimeCache (LoadError)
    from <script>:1
    ...internal jruby stack elided...
    from Kernel.require(<script>:1)
    from (unknown).(unknown)(:1)

I've also tried running it as java -cp lib/java/** -jar hg_analyzer.jar, but to no avail. The Class-Path entry in the jar's manifest file looks okay as well. main.rb is the main Ruby file.

Running java with the -verbose option shows that it is finding the JRuby jar and is loading it from the expected location.

Any ideas?


Figured it out! The problem was that Rawr was downloading version 1.5 of the JRuby runtime and I have version 1.4 of the compiler on my system.

Marc W