Hi there,
This is the context: I've just developed an app that needs to be launched in SERVER mode (java -server). I'm using the JSE SDK (JDK) and I have no problems to run the app because the JDK has the Server VM. Now, I'm trying to create an installer that way people will be able to install this app in their computers. But at this point I've noticed this:
The JRE that most users have installed (in order to run java apps), doesn't have the Server VM, so my app won't run. Due to this, my question is:
- Is there any way to add the Server VM to the already installed JRE???
- For those users that don't have java installed...what package should I suggest to install? JDK or JRE?
I'm a little bit a confused...not sure what packages have the Server VM or not.
Thanks in advanced!!