



Hi, I am using Glassfish 3.0 with Spring Security 3.0 and exposed one of my EJBs as webservice using JAX-WS 2.0 annotation. I have generated WSDL and other portable artifacts and can access the webservice using a WS-client.

Using JAAS I can make the webservice secured with "HTTP Basic Authentication" (using jdbc realm). But using Spring security framework, I can never make webservice secured using "HTTP Basic Authentication". Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue?

Here is my configuration file.

I have added spring's BasicAuthenticationFilter in my applicationContext-security.xml file.

<beans:bean id="basicAuthenticationFilter"        
    class="" >
       <beans:property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManagerAlias" />
       <beans:property name="authenticationEntryPoint"  
                          ref="basicProcessingFilterEntryPoint" />

<beans:bean id="basicProcessingFilterEntryPoint"     class="" >
        <beans:property name="realmName" value="ROLE_USER" />

My authentication-manager is configured to validate username/password/authorities from database. When my WS client invokes the web service I always get the remote user's principal as ANONYMOUS - both for sessionContext and WebServiceContext.

I even don't know if this filter is invoked at all when my WS client invokes a webservice or not. I am new to Spring security, thus any hint will be very useful to me.

Thanks in advance,