I posted on here last night looking for help with some homework. I'm down to my last question.
Here's the relevant piece of the schema I am working with:
user_id int,
poll_id int,
option_id int,
voteDate date,
CONSTRAINT votesOnPoll_pk PRIMARY KEY (user_id, poll_id),
CONSTRAINT votesOnPoll_user_fk FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id),
CONSTRAINT votesOnPoll_poll_fk FOREIGN KEY (poll_id,option_id) REFERENCES pollOptions(poll_id, option_id)
I am trying to write a query that will return the option_id of poll option with the most votes, as well as that number of votes. This is only on poll 10.
I can successfully return the number of votes for each option with the following query:
SELECT p10.oid AS option_id, MAX(p10.votecount)
FROM (SELECT option_id AS oid, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS votecount
FROM votesOnPoll
WHERE poll_id = 10
GROUP BY option_id) AS p10
GROUP BY p10.oid;
which returns, in this case, the following relation:
option_id | max
0 | 7
1 | 10
2 | 11
I would like to trim this down so it only has the tuple (2, 11) (or whatever the winning option is). I thought I would be able to accomplish this by adding the following HAVING clause:
HAVING COUNT(p10.votecount) >= ALL (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id)
FROM votesOnPoll
WHERE poll_id = 10
GROUP BY option_id)
However, this instead returns me an empty relation.
I have confirmed that the inner SELECT statement here returns what I expect - that is, it returns a relation with a single attribute, which is the number of votes on a particular option. In this case, that return value is
Any ideas?
Thank you very much for your time.