



I am using a while(matcher.find()) to loop through all of the matches of a Pattern. For each instance or match of that pattern it finds, I want to replace with some new text. This text will be different for each one so I am using matcher.appendReplacement() to rebuild the original string with the new changes as it goes through. However, appendReplacement() replaces the entire Pattern instead of just the group.

How can I do this but only modify the third group of the match rather than the entire Pattern?

Here is some example code:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.complile("THE (REGEX) (EXPRESSION) (WITH MULTIPLE) GROUPS");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("THE TEXT TO SEARCH AND MODIFY");
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

while( matcher.find() ){
   matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, processTheGroup(;

but I would like to do something like this (obviously this doesn't work)

while( matcher.find() ){, processTheGroup(;

Something like that, where it only replaces a certain group, not the whole Pattern.


EDIT: changed the regex example to show that not all of the pattern is grouped.

+1  A: 

Let's say your entire pattern matches "(prefix)(infix)(suffix)", capturing the 3 parts into groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Now let's say you want to replace only group 2 (the infix), leaving the prefix and suffix intact the way they were.

Then what you do is you append what group(1) matched (unaltered), the new replacement for group(2), and what group(3) matched (unaltered), so something like this:

    buffer, + processTheGroup( +

This will still match and replace the entire pattern, but since groups 1 and 3 are left untouched, effectively only the infix is replaced.

You should be able to adapt the same basic technique for your particular scenario.

This is great thanks. Is there also a way to do this if there are some aspects of the Pattern that are not in groups? (I edited my original post's example)
If you must include those parts in the match (i.e. you can't leave them out of the pattern), then you'd want to capture them in a group so you can remember what they matched and put them back in unaltered as part of your replacement.