




In C there're c89 and c99,what about c++? Is there any upgrade since it comes out?

+12  A: 
Prasoon Saurav
C++03 is almost the same as C++98 though, it isn't sort of a new standard, it's rather a service pack of the previous one :)
Armen Tsirunyan
@Armen : Yeah most of the things in C++03 are similar to C++98. However there are a few differences between C++03 and 98, for example: value initialization (in C++03).
Prasoon Saurav
Am I right to classify the differences of each standars: 1. more libs 2. some change of syntax that's compatible with earlier versions. Can you confirm or deny this?
@tem : After C++98 was released the committee processed the DRs(Defect Reports [submitted by experts]) and published a corrected version of the C++ Standard i.e C++03.
Prasoon Saurav
In case you want to add the links to the answer: [C++03](http://openassist.googlecode.com/files/C%2B%2B%20Standard%20-%20ANSI%20ISO%20IEC%2014882%202003.pdf), [C++0x FCD](http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2010/n3092.pdf)
David Rodríguez - dribeas
@David : n3126 is the latest AFAIK. Thanks for the links BTW `:)`
Prasoon Saurav
0x is only supported by the latest compilers ,right?
@tem : Yeah!! [This table lists C+ 0x features and their support in popular compilers.](http://wiki.apache.org/stdcxx/C++0xCompilerSupport)
Prasoon Saurav
If you include C++03 in the C++ line (which is just a Technical Corrigendum) you have to include C07, C05 besides C99 in the C line (and various others I don't know about).
Johannes Schaub - litb