Hi I need to initialize an NSObject at a particular location that I specify(through a void* pointer, for example). For a little bit of context, I am writing a sqlite3 aggregate function. To keep temporary results from this function, I have to call a sqlite3_aggregate_context function, which allocates a block of memory for me. I want to store an NSDecimalNumber at this location.
So far I have tried two approaches:
1)allocWithZone, by doing:
void *location = sqlite3_aggregate_context(...); //returns a block of allocated memory of a certain size
NSDecimalNumber *num = [[NSDecimalNumber allocWithZone:NSZoneFromPointer(location)] initWithInt:0];
This does not work because NSZoneFromPointer returns nil. Docs say that the arguments to this function must be a previously allocated pointer, which it is. I dont know if this means allocated using NSZoneMalloc/Calloc.
id location = sqlite3_aggregate_function(...);
location = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] init];
but this causes some kind of infinite recursion when freeing the memory...not sure what the deal is. A screenshot here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3002073/Public%20Sync/sqlitefunctionissue.png
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!