



Hello All, I need help with displaying images from a MySQL database. What I have is a an Dynamic PHP/HTML table that has multiple pages with a pagination link. The table layout is: Book Title, Author, Publisher, Category and image. I can connect to database with connection script - working OK. I can see all the information for the table at the correct column and row per above locations including the images. At this point I hover over the link below the thumbnail image and use jQuery to pop up a larger view of the thumbnail, this works in all
browsers except for Internet Explorer.

First I connect to Database with a connection script.
This is the code I use to query database:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
 $bg = ($bg=='#ffffff' ? '#FCFCFC' : '#ffffff'); // Switch the background color. 
 echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bg . '">
 <td id="books">' . '<h4>'. $row['booktitle'] .'</h4>'. '</td>
 <td id="auth">' . $row['author'] . '</td>
 <td id="publ">' . $row['publisher'] . '</td>
 <td id="cat">' . $row['category'] . '</td>
 <!--<td id="isbn">' . $row['isbn'] . '</td>--> 
 <td id="img">'.'<img src="'. $row['image'].'" width="90"/>'.'<div span="getLargeImage">'.'<a href="'. $row['image'].'" class="popup">Larger view</a>'.'</span>'.'</td>

here is the jQuery script:


    $('.popup').hover(function(e) {
        var getId = $(this).attr("id");
        var getAttr = $(this).attr("href"); 
        var html = '<div id="full_img">';
        html += '<img src="'+ getAttr +' "/>';
        html += '</div>';
        $('#full_img').animate({"width" : "0px","width" : "250px"}, 100);
        $('#full_img').css('top', e.pageY + -330).css('left', e.pageX - 350);

    }, function() {

        $('#full_img').animate({"width" : "250px","width" : "0px"}, 100);


As I said above the jQuery hover/show larger image works works in all browsers except for Internet Explorer. to see how it is working at this point surf to:

any help would be appreciated. thanks ussteele

+1  A: 

Like I said in the comment - on your website you have a missing quote in the line:

html += '<img src="'+ getAttr +'" />';

See this working jsFiddle example

Dan Manastireanu
This is copied from view source:
html += '<img src="'+ getAttr +' "/>';
It wasn't like that when I first accessed the site. Now, with the ending `"` it works in IE8 for me.(btw: What version of IE ?)
Dan Manastireanu
Thanks for the help.
Win XP SP3: IE 7 and MAC OS X Win XP SP3 IE 8