I searched a lot of web-site about this topic and try some solutions:
1)Changing navigationItem title
I changed navigationItem title but More tabItem is not changed.
2)Changing tabbarItem title
[tabBarController moreNavigationController].tabBarItem.title = @"Morre";
It didnt work either.
3)Creating a new tabbarItem and assigning to it:
[tabBarController moreNavigationController].tabBarItem.= newlyCreatedTabBarItem;
I didnt work too.
There is also an alternative way to create more tab like a normal tabBar item. However, in that way configuration of tabBar Items become impossible. I also need "Edit" button in more tab.
I only managed to change badgeValue which has no value for me:
[tabBarController moreNavigationController].tabBarItem.badgeValue = @"100";
So,is there a way to change title of more tabBar Item?