I have two templatetags in my app which contain forms which show entries in db. When I alter data or add new entry to db, the forms show the old data. While in admin panel everything is correct (updated). When I restart the server (I mean manage.py runserver
) forms show updated db entries. How to make the forms show updated data?
file: templatetags/oceny_tags.py
from django import template
from oceny.formularze import StudentFormularz, PrzeniesStudentaFormularz
def dodajStudenta(req):
formularz = StudentFormularz(req)
return {'formularz': formularz}
def przeniesStudenta(req):
formularz = PrzeniesStudentaFormularz(req)
return {'formularz': formularz}
register = template.Library()
register.inclusion_tag('oceny/formularz_studenta.html', takes_context = False)(dodajStudenta)
register.inclusion_tag('oceny/formularz_przenies_studenta.html', takes_context = False)(przeniesStudenta)
file: views.py
view responsible for handling forms:
def zarzadzajStudentami(request):
formularze = ['dodaj_studenta', 'przenies_studenta']
req = {}
for e in formularze:
req[e] = None
if request.POST:
req[request.POST['formularz']] = request.POST
if request.POST['formularz'] == 'dodaj_studenta':
formularz = StudentFormularz(request.POST)
if formularz.is_valid():
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zarzadzaj_studentami'))
elif request.POST['formularz'] == 'przenies_studenta':
formularz = PrzeniesStudentaFormularz(request.POST)
if formularz.is_valid():
student = Student.objects.get(id = request.POST['student'])
grupa = Grupa.objects.get(id = request.POST['grupa'])
student.grupa = grupa
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zarzadzaj_studentami'))
return render_to_response('oceny/zarzadzaj_studentami.html', {'req': req}, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
I realize that the code may be lame in some cases. I would appreciate any other hints how to write things better.