
"is_logged_in" templatetag does not render

for some reason, templatetags do not render in templates for django admin. with this snippet from: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/api/?from=olddocs#shortcut-for-simple-tags {% if is_logged_in %}Thanks for logging in!{% else %}Please log in.{% endif %} when placed in admin index.html, if a user is logged in, it sho...

templatetags don't refresh

I have two templatetags in my app which contain forms which show entries in db. When I alter data or add new entry to db, the forms show the old data. While in admin panel everything is correct (updated). When I restart the server (I mean manage.py runserver) forms show updated db entries. How to make the forms show updated data? regard...

In Django, how can I iterate over the result of a custom template tag that requires arguments?

If I have created a template tag: @register.simple_tag def last_books(a_cat, cutoff=5): objects = Books.objects.filter(category=a_cat) return objects[:cutoff] How can I do something like this in my template: {% for book in last_books 'Sports' 3 %} I am currently getting this error: 'for' statements should use the format...

python random.random() causes "'module' object is not callable" when used in custom template tag

If I start python from the command line and type: import random print "Random: " + str(random.random()) It prints me a random number (Expected, excellent). If I include the above-two lines in my django application's models.py and start my django app with runserver I get the output on the command line showing me a random number (Grea...

Django Paginated Comments .. is there any existing solutions?

Hi, is there any existing pagination solution for Django contrib.comments? What I need is just a simple paginated django comments, for the Basic Blog application (from the Django Basic Apps) I used, using a simple has_previous and has_next I have copied the django.contrib.comments and tried modify the code but with no success. The code...

Error importing external library within Django template tag library

So I'm attempting to write a Django reusable app that provides a method for displaying your Twitter feed on your page. I know well that it already exists 20 times. It's an academic exercise. :) Directory structure is pretty simple: myproject |__ __init__.py |__ manage.py |__ settings.py |__ myapp |__ __init__.py |__ adm...

Django templatetag for rendering a subset of html

I have some html (in this case created via TinyMCE) that I would like to add to a page. However, for security reason, I don't want to just print everything the user has entered. Does anyone know of a templatetag (a filter, preferably) that will allow only a safe subset of html to be rendered? I realize that markdown and others do this....

Decorators on Django Template Filters?

I have a template filter that performs a very simple task and works well, but I would like to use a decorator on it. Unfortunately the decorator causes a nasty django error that doesn't make any sense... Code that works: @register.filter(name="has_network") def has_network(profile, network): hasnetworkfunc = getattr(profile, "has_%...

Django template get first?

I need to do something like {{ article.product.images.first.image.url }} In my template, but there is no "first" (images is a RelatedManager for which I found very little documentation). Is there another way to do this? I can get the first model with {{ article.product.images.get_query_set|first }} But then I need to dig a few pro...

give an active to class to active link

Hello, I am writing a python website built on the back of the django framework, I am looking for a way to highlight the current link the user is on depening on what the URL, I thought doing some thing like this would work. What I have done is create a new application called nav and built some templatetags, like so, from django impor...

Django templatetag scope forcing me to do extra queries

The problem is that if I call a templatetag into a block and it fills me a variiable with the usual context[varname]=something, then if I need that variable into another block, I have to call the templatetag again. This for me means extra db queries, which is really something I'm trying to avoid. This templatetag is called in a base tem...

Load and Reuse Django Template Filters

Is it possible to load a django template tag/filter to use as a function in one of my template tags? I'm trying to load up some of the django.contrib.humanize filters so I can apply them to the results of some of my custom template tags. I can't seem to import them at all, and I don't want to have to rewrite any of that code. ...

Project name inserted automatically in url when using django template url tag

I am applying the 'url' template tag to all links in my current Django project. I have my urls named like so... url(r'^login/$', 'login', name='site_login'), This allows me to access /login at my site's root. I have my template tag defined like so... <a href="{% url site_login %}"> It works fine, except that Django automatically ...

Django - Determine field type of a variable passed to a template tag

I would like to write a Django template tag to which I can pass a variable. I would like the template tag to behave differently depending on what type of model field the variable was derived from (CharField, BooleanField, IntegerField, etc.) as well as other information used in the field's definition (max_length, etc.) I can pass the v...

How to get a template tag to auto-check a checkbox in Django

I'm using a ModelForm class to generate a bunch of checkboxes for a ManyToManyField but I've run into one problem: while the default behaviour automatically checks the appropriate boxes (when I'm editing an object), I can't figure out how to get that information in my own custom templatetag. Here's what I've got in my model: from mypro...

Check if a template tag is loaded in Django

Is there a way to check if a template tag exists before using the template tag? In other words, I would like to be able to do something like this: {% load my_custom_tags %} ... {% ifloaded my_custom_tags %} {% some_custom_tag %} {% endifloaded %} ...

Passing context between templatetags, django

Hi overflowers, I am using django to create a web-application. I have created a template in where I load a templatetag. In this templatetag i load another templatetag. From the template I pass context to the first templatetag, but the context is not available from the second templatetag (inside the first templatetag) - see below. I ho...

For loop variable used in templatetag?

Trying to solve a problem with templatetags. I have two templatetags: @register.inclusion_tag('directory/_alphabet.html') def alphabet_list(names): """ Return a list of letters that last names start with. """ return { 'letters': [name.last_name[0] for name in names] } class NameNode(template.Node): def __init__(self, lette...

Can I use Django templatetags on Google App Engine?

My Django site has many templatetags directories, can I use Django templatetags on Google App Engine? ...

Django custom template tag with 'parser.compile_filter(tokens[2])' doesn't work

I tried to implement the solution proposed by T. Stone on my question "how-do-i-pass-a-lot-of-parameters-to-views-in-django" ([link text][1]). I can't manage to get any result. It's difficult to find information about the compile_filter(), but as far as I understand cls(queryset=parser.compile_filter(tokens[2]), template=template) should...