+2  A: 

For security reasons, you cannot use AJAX to send a request to a different domain.

Instead, you can make submit normal <form> that targets an <iframe>. (Note that you would not be able to read the response)

Alternatively, if you have control over or cooperation with the remote site, you can use JSONP.

Thanks you very much for your answer. I do own the remote site. Could you please elaborate a bit on the iframe solution? About jsonp, i thought this is only to get data from a remote script, have no idea how to submit data to remote script, any advice?
If you own the remote site, you should use JSONP.
The `<iframe>` solution involves making a small or hidden `<iframe>`, setting the `<form>`'s target to the iframe, and submitting the form.
Hello, could you provide a simple example on how to use jsonp to actually provide data to a php script and not retrieve? Maybe i should change the type to jsonp in the above example and provide all the data in the url to call?
My problem is not how to retrieve the results of the submission but how to send the data of the form to the remote script...
You can use the same code you're using right now; just change `POST` to `GET` and add `dataType:'jsonp'`.