Hi all,
I am supposed to write a simple Cinema Booking System, which allows a customer to make reservations for movies. The Cinema consists or different theatres, with different amount of seats, price and movie showtimes. The user should be able to input his name and other credentials and then make reservations for 1 or more movies and seats. When he is finished booking, the system should output a receipt, listing his name, the movie(s) the showtime(s) and reservation number.
I have tried to follow the OOP-principles as best to my current capabilities.
The classes I've set up would be the following:
- CinemaBooking -> entrypoint into programm
- Room -> receives its seating size via [row] [col]
- Movie -> has movietitle, shwotime, the room and a price.
- Customer -> shoud store any user info like name , email and phone and generate
booking number
I am a bit unsure on where to put the user-i/o in this case: Shoud it remain within CinemaBooking, or should i generate a seperate class which only does the I/O? Or Should I just move the whole I/O stuff to another class (e.g. the Customer Class)
I really hope my question is comprehensible. Help would be greatly appreciated.
regards el.