



i'm trying to figure out how to layout a simple dialog in WPF using the proper dialog units (DLUs).

i spent about two hours dimensioning this sample dialog box from Windows Vista with the various dlu measurements. Can someone please give the corresponding XAML markup that generates this dialog box?

alt text (Image Link)

Now admittedly i know almost nothing about WPF XAML. Every time i start, i get stymied because i cannot figure out how to place any control. It seems that everything in WPF must be contained on a panel of some kind. There's StackPanels, FlowPanels, DockPanel, Grid, etc. If you don't have one of these then it won't compile.

The only XAML i've been able to come up with (uing XAMLPad) so far:

<DockPanel xmlns=""
    <Image Width="23" />
    <Label>Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?</Label>
    <Image Width="60" />
    <Label>Type: ACDSee JPG Image</Label>
    <Label>Rating: Unrated</Label>
    <Label>Dimensions: 1072 × 712</Label>
    <Button Content="Yes" Width="50" Height="14"/>  
    <Button Content="Cancel" Width="50" Height="14"/>  

Which renders as a gaudy monstrosity. None of the controls are placed or sized right. i cannot figure out how to position controls in a window, nor size them properly.

Can someone turn that screenshot into XAML?

Note: You're not allowed to measure the screenshot. All the Dialog Unit (dlu) widths and heights are specified.

Note: 1 horizontal DLU != 1 vertical DLU. Horizontal and vertical DLUs are different sizes.


Microsoft User Experience Guidelines: Recommended sizing and spacing

Microsoft User Experience Guidelines: Layout Metrics

Bump: 2011/05/14 (15 months later)

+1  A: 

Look into the Grid control - it has support for relative sizing.

Scott Weinstein
Does the Grid control accept units like: `width="210dlu"` in addition to `width="9999px"` ?
Ian Boyd
+4  A: 

The following XAML will give you the effect you are looking for.

Note that I have doubled the DLU units in the markup - thus keeping the same aspect. It looked funny having a Button height of 14units. You may need to tinker with the figures presented in the market.

Also, I started to remove some of the "Vista Layout" into separate styles. You may be able to continue down this path so you have quite a reusable set of styles which follow the Vista guidelines. I'm fairly sure some other people have done something similar.

Furthermore, I took some liberties with the size of the dialog. You mentioned you wanted 210x96units - you would need to set this amount, plus the window chrome.

Anyway, on with the content:

  <Window x:Class="VistaLayout.Dialog"
      Title="Delete File" 
      Height="212" Width="430">
      <Style x:Key="FooterButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
        <Setter Property="Width" Value="100" />
        <Setter Property="Height" Value="28" />
        <Setter Property="Margin" Value="8,0,0,0" />
      <Style x:Key="FooterPanelStyle" TargetType="{x:Type UniformGrid}">
          <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}" BasedOn="{StaticResource FooterButtonStyle}" />
        <Setter Property="Rows" Value="1" />
        <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Right" />
    <DockPanel Margin="14">
      <!-- Footer -->
      <UniformGrid DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" 
                       Style="{StaticResource FooterPanelStyle}">

      <!-- Main Content -->
          <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
          <ColumnDefinition Width="8" />
          <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />

        <Image Width="64" />

        <StackPanel Grid.Column="2">
          <TextBlock Margin="0,6,0,14">Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?</TextBlock>

              <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
              <ColumnDefinition Width="14" />
              <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />

            <Image Width="60" />

            <StackPanel Grid.Column="2">
              <TextBlock>Type: ACDSee JPG Image</TextBlock>
              <TextBlock>Rating: Unrated</TextBlock>
              <TextBlock>Dimensions: 1072 × 712</TextBlock>





As with most XAML, this could be done in a myriad of ways - this is only one solution.

Hope this helps!

Brad Leach
Where are you getting the width and height values from? Will those numbers scale with the user's Windows font preferences? As i understand it, any lengths specified without units are understood to be "logical pixels" where 1 logical pixel is 1/96 of an inch.
Ian Boyd
XamlPad cannot show you <Window> thingies, and ie will choke on <Window> thingies due to some security blah. So i can't view it anyway.
Ian Boyd
Are you developing an Xdap application? If so, you will need to change the Window to userControl. This class assumes a code-behind file. Try creating a new UserControl, and copying over the XAML. Replace Window with UserControl. You will of course have to update the x:Class name.
Brad Leach
The window will scale with the user's DPI preference, but not necessarily their Font preference. This xaml doesn't respect the user's font selection - It uses Segeo UI I belive as standard (although I could be wrong).
Brad Leach
I did some investigation into DLUs - which seem to be based around the size of the font. WPFs layout system is based on Device-Independent-Units. I don't know of a way to use DLUs in WPF. That said the layout presented should give you a good starting point in creating a dialog that sizes reasonably.
Brad Leach

The Canvas layout element allows for coordinate-based layout similar to what you're used to and if you have a Canvas you even get some guidelines in the visual editor. eg:

<Window xmlns:mc='' xmlns:x='' xmlns:d='' mc:Ignorable='d' Title='Spin-Echo Image Processing' Width='673' x:Class='ImageR2.CLASPmap' Height='961' xmlns=''&gt;
    <Canvas Name='canvas1'>
        <TextBlock Name='TEXT_Program' Canvas.Top='27' Width='133' Height='21' Canvas.Left='875'>CLASPmap:</TextBlock>
        <TextBlock Name='TEXT_Heading' Canvas.Top='27' Width='368' Height='27' Canvas.Left='1008'>Transverse Relaxation Rate Mapping</TextBlock>
        <TextBlock Name='TEXT_XYCoordinates' Canvas.Top='251' Width='139' Height='21' Canvas.Left='869'>X &amp; Y Coordinates</TextBlock>
Andy Dent
Problem is the values you are entering are assumed to be pixels by WPF. Where the screenshot is providing values in horizontal and vertical dialog units (DLUs). And to clarify, DLUs are not necessarily square.
Ian Boyd

Here is a more detailed link I found on MSDN about Layout Metrics. WPF DIUs are defined as 1/96 of an inch and DLU to pixel conversions are font dependent as you can see in the table shown below.

Converting from DLUs to relative pixels and back

So using this information along with a systems DPI setting and depending on the font that you are targeting you could figure out how many DUI correlate to a given measurement in vertical or horizontal DLU units. I haven't seen any javascript based calculators for this yet but it would be pretty trivial to create a similar tool in any programming language that makes this a little easier.
