I have a vector with pointers of type Vehicle. Vehicle is the base class and there are many derived types like MotorCycle, Car, Plane, etc. Now, in my program there comes a point where I need the derived type while traversing the vector. Each Vehicle class has a GetType() function which returns an int which tells me what the derived type is (motorcylce, car, plan). So, I can use a dynamic cast to downcast to the derived type from the base class pointer. However, I need to have a giant if statement everytime I need the derived pointer
if(vehicle_ptr->GetType() == PLANE)
Plane *ptr = dynamic_cast<Plane*> vehicle_ptr;
else if (vehicle_ptr->GetType() == MOTORCYCLE)
MotorCycle *ptr = dynamic_cast<MotorCycle*> vehicle_ptr;
..and on and on.
Is there a way to have a function or some trick I can call that would save me from the giant if statement everywhere? Like ::GetDerivedPtr(Vehicle *ptr). Would a template class help here? (never used them before) Sorry, my C++ is a bit rusty and I did search but these terms bring up too much material to find what I'm looking for. Thanks.