



My app works with pictures. It can take multiple pictures as an input, process them, and send them again to another app.

As a consequence, my main Activity has declared an intent filter on ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE for image/* mimetypes and can result in issuing a new Intent with the same action and data type using Activity.startActivity(Intent).

Is there a way to exclude my own activity from the list of apps that is displayed to the user after the startActivity() call ?


Not directly, AFAIK. However, you could create your own chooser using PackageManager and queryIntentActivityOptions(), which does allow for filtering yourself (or other things) out.

Thanks, I started exploring this solution and I should be able to achieve what I want. That would be a nice standard feature to include to android api, though.
Kevin Gaudin
@Kevin Gaudin: Agreed, though it is a bit of a fringe case, so I am not shocked that they do not offer it.