This looks like a classic Dynamic Programming problem (also indicated by other answers mentioning its similarity to 0-1 Knapsack and Subset Sum problems). The whole thing boils down to to one simple choice: for each element in the list, do we use it in our sum or not. We can write up a simple recursive function to compute the answer:
0 if target_sum<=0 (i.e. we don't need to add anymore)
infinity if target_sum>0 and index is past the length of n (i.e. we have run out of numbers to add)
min( f(index+1,target_sum), f(index+1,target_sum-n[index])+n[index] ) otherwise (i.e. we explore two choices - 1. take the current number 2. skip over the current number and take their minimum)
Since this function has overlapping subproblems (it explores the same sub-problems over and over again) , it is a good idea to memoize the function with a cache to hold values that were already computed before.
Here's the code in Python:
#! /usr/bin/env python
INF=10**9 # a large enough number of your choice
def min_sum(numbers,index,M, cache):
if M<=0: # we have reached or gone past our target, no need to add any more
return 0
elif len(numbers)==index: # we have run out of numbers, solution not possible
return INF
elif (index,M) in cache: # have been here before, just return the value we found earlier
return cache[(index,M)]
min_sum(numbers,index+1,M,cache), # skip over this value
min_sum(numbers,index+1,M-numbers[index],cache)+numbers[index] # use this value
cache[(index,M)]=answer # store the answer so we can reuse it if needed
return answer
if __name__=='__main__':
print min_sum(data,0,M,{})
This solution only returns the minimum sum, not the actual elements used to make it. You can easily extend the idea to add that to your solution.