I am making a self duplicating form. It can create multiple instances of itself.
The hiearchy is, an Organization
has_many Referrals
There should be no 'updating'. It should be only a 'create'.
My error is :
Unknown action
No action responded to update. Actions: create and new
My Form:
- form_for @organization, :url => organization_referrals_path do |f|
= f.error_messages
= render :partial => 'referral_fields', :locals => {:f => f}
= link_to_add_fields "Add Another Referral", f, :referrals
= f.submit "Submit", :class => "button"
- fields_for :referral, referral_fields do |qf|
.grid_1{:style => "width: 64px;"}
= qf.label :org_name, "Business", :class => "right"
= qf.text_field :org_name
.grid_1{:style => "width: 64px;"}
= qf.label :name, '', {:class => "right"}
= qf.text_field :name
.grid_1{:style => "width: 64px;"}
= qf.label :email, '', :class => "right"
.grid_2.omega{:style => "width: 114px;"}
= qf.text_field :email, {:style => "width: 125px;"}
= qf.label :town, '', :class => "right"
= qf.text_field :town, {:style => "width: 100px;"}
before_filter :get_organization
before_filter :get_any_organization
def new
@referral = Referral.new
2.times { @organization.referrals.build }
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :layout => 'manage' }
def create
@referral = Referral.new(params[:referral])
if @referral.valid? && @organization.referrals << @referral
flash[:notice] = "Referrals saved."
redirect_to new_organization_referrals_path(@organization)
render :action => :new, :layout => 'manage'
has_many :referrals
accepts_nested_attributes_for :referrals, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:content].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
map.resources :organizations,
:member => {
:referrals => :get
Processing ReferralsController#update (for ::1 at 2010-10-18 15:27:16) [PUT]
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Submit", "action"=>"update", "_method"=>"put", "authenticity_token"=>"/1bwOqHjojde3p0Py08mCrko8xULE4R+eXUvT6qf1cE=", "controller"=>"referrals", "organization_id"=>"1", "referral"=>{"name"=>"lkjlkj", "org_name"=>"biz 2", "town"=>"lkjlkj", "email"=>"lkjlkj"}}
ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to update. Actions: create and new):
haml (2.2.2) [v] rails/./lib/sass/plugin/rails.rb:19:in `process'
Long Story Short:
All I am trying to do is make a form that has a nested form inside of it, and that nested form can be duplicated. So if an organization has a referral. It can add more referrals if need be. And each referral uses the same form. When the submit button is pressed, all referrals and saved at once.