
Can you nest html forms?

Is it possible to nest html forms? Like so: <form name="mainForm"> <form name="subForm"> </form> </form> So that both forms work? My friend is having problems with this, part of the subForm works, while part of it does not. Thanks ...

web.config in nested folder

Hello All, I am trying to install an app inside of another web app. I have my .aspx pages and some code that I was putting into the main app's app_code folder. I've added my own web.config file for my connection string and such but I think there's a conflict. So my question is a two parter. First, what is the best way to install an app ...

Creating a form for a new associated object using the Rails 2.3 model nesting.

Trying to use the nested model form in the new rails release candidate. I have this, but it only renders form fields for each existing associated photo object. (Given a form builder f that was created for my parent model object) %h3 Photos - f.fields_for :photos do |photo_form| %p = photo_form.label :caption = photo_form.te...

Need Help with Rails 2.3 Four Level Nested Form Javascript Function

Hi I'm using Alloy's Complex Form Example found here. The example he provides is a two level hierarchy and I'm trying to expand it to four. He has javascript functions for adding nested items. Can someone show me how to expand for four nested layers? '.add_nested_item': function(e){ el = Event.findElement(e); template = eval(el...

Rails Nested Object Form *_attributes problem

I'm using Rails 2.3.2, and trying to get a nested object form to work properly. I've narrowed my problem to the issue that Rails is not setting my nested form elements with the *_attributes required to initiate the accepts_nested_attributes_for processing. My model code is: class Person < Party has_one :name, :class_name => "PersonN...

Problems with nested form fields showing up

Hi, I'm attempting to implement nested object forms for my site, using Ryan Daigle's blog post as a guide ( For some reason, the nested form fields don't appear in the view. class Instruction < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :steps accepts_nested_attri...

Nested Form Problem in ASP.NET.

I want to show a pop-up on click of a button. The pop-up should have a file upload control. I need to implement upload functionality. The base page has nested forms. Totally three forms nested inside. If I comment the two forms then I can able to get the posted file from Request Object. But I was not suppose to comment the other two for...

How to test a rails model that accepts nested attributes with Cucumber

How do you test a model Topic that accepts nested attributes for an Image? Given /^I have topics titled (.+)$/ do |titles| path ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/features/upload-files/" image = + "image.jpg") titles.split(', ').each do |title| Topic.create!(:title => title, :image => ) # this doesn't work! ...

rails accepts_nested_attributes_for :reject_if not working

I gave on trying to override the autosave parameter since I think it can't be done. I moved the has_shipping_address from the Order to the ShippingAddress model and now I have: #the models.. class Order < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :billing_address belongs_to :shipping_address accepts_nested_attributes_for :billing_address ...

Asp.Net nested form

I need to supply an html form (not a server form) for searching within an web-forms website. The form will post to another website where an indexed search is performed. Seeing as nested forms don't work well in, what is the simplest approach for this? The nested form is a simple html form that performs a "get" against ...

Three level nested forms in rails using accepts_nested_attributes_for

Hi, I've been trying to implement a dynamic multi-model form with accepts_nested_attributes_for in my rails application. I've been following Eloy Duran's complex-forms example that shows a 2 level implementation, but I've been trying to expand this to 3 levels. Is there support with accepts_nested_attributes_for for a 3 level form? Ca...

Rails - User Input for Multiple models on a single form - How

This is basically a nested form question, albeit with only one field that belongs to a parent model. My data entry form collects data for a model - however I also need to collect one other a data element/value (UserID) that actually goes into a parent record that will be created with the detail record. AFAIK Rails expects each form fie...

Using accepts_nested_attributes_for + mass assignment protection in Rails

Say you have this structure: class House < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :rooms accepts_nested_attributes_for :rooms attr_accessible :rooms_attributes end class Room < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :tv accepts_nested_attributes_for :tv attr_accessible :tv_attributes end class Tv belongs_to :user attr_accessible :manufactu...

rails validating multiple child models in a complex form

Hi, I am using multiple child models in a complex form (a la The form works great, but I need to validate a property of the set of child models before accepting the form data into the database. I've come up with one mostly-working, very-kludgy way of doing this. Seems like there has to be a...

Rails: Saving many new objects in a nested form.

I have 2 models: Video: class Video < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :thumbnails attr_accessor :search, :saveable accepts_nested_attributes_for :thumbnails, :allow_destroy => true en d Thumbnail: class Thumbnail < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :video end I am using the YouTubeG gem in order to search for...

Rails: radio button selection for nested forms objects

I have the following form for photo_album which uses the nested forms feature of the Rails in saving the photos while updating the photo_album. And having trouble with the selection of radio button value. I want only one of the photos be able to select as the album cover, but due to the way rails produces form element ids and names, I am...

NoMethodError with collection_select

I'm building a form for a :has_many :through relationship: class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :employments has_many :people, :through => :employments accepts_nested_attributes_for :employments end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :employments has_many :accounts, :through => :employments end class Employmen...

Auditing and model lifecycle management for instances and their associations?

I am trying to write an application to track legal case requests. The main model is Case, which has_many Subjects, Keywords, Notes, and Evidences (which, in turn, has_many CustodyLogs). Since the application is legal-related, there are some requirements that are out of the ordinary: CRUD operations must be logged, including what the ...

Nested object models, loops in view and erronous input makes views loop weirdly

Hello! I've been googling and testing on this problem for quite a while, but can't find an answer. I have a site, that servers surveys uploaded by admins. These surveys belong to surveycycles and answers belong to answerings. class Answering < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :answers accepts_nested_attributes_for :answers, :allow_destr...

Ruby Rails Nested Records

I'm not sure if what I'm even trying to do is possible but here goes. I have an SQL database with the following tables defined (showing only relevant tables in SQL): CREATE TABLE customers( id integer NOT NULL UNIQUE, name vachar(25) NOT NULL, surname vachar(25) NOT NULL, password vachar(20) NOT NULL, email_address ...