
Rails - attr_accessible & mass assignment

I have a question about using attr_accessible in Rails. I sometimes want to set guard_protected_attributes to false in order to bypass mass assignment protection. I'm wondering why the following line doesn't work (it creates the "can't stringify keys" error): @user.attributes=({ :name => "James Bond", :admin => true }, false) ...but ...

Using accepts_nested_attributes_for + mass assignment protection in Rails

Say you have this structure: class House < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :rooms accepts_nested_attributes_for :rooms attr_accessible :rooms_attributes end class Room < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :tv accepts_nested_attributes_for :tv attr_accessible :tv_attributes end class Tv belongs_to :user attr_accessible :manufactu...

Can I change the assignment order for new model instances in rails.

I have two attributes, 'a_value' and 'b_id'. (Not their real names.) 'a_value' is stored on the file system, using some information from model 'B', referenced by 'b_id'. So, my params object looks like: params[:foo] = {"a_value"=>"nifty value","b_id"=>"38"} for example. Now, in foo_controller.rb: foo =[:foo]) But t...

Allow mass asignment in certain contexts

I have several Rails models that I'm trying to expose via a REST api. I'm looking for a simple way to allow mass assignment in certain contexts (through the api or admin interface) but to disallow when populating from user based forms. There are a few catches as well. First, I'm populating a bunch of child objects using accepts_neste...

rails: mass-assignment security concern with belongs_to relationships

I've been reading up on rails security concerns and the one that makes me the most concerned is mass assignment. My application is making use of attr_accessible, however I'm not sure if I quite know what the best way to handle the exposed relationships is. Let's assume that we have a basic content creation/ownership website. A user ca...

ruby parallel assignment, step question

so, i'm trying to learn ruby by doing some project euler questions, and i've run into a couple things i can't explain, and the comma ?operator? is in the middle of both. i haven't been able to find good documentation for this, maybe i'm just not using the google as I should, but good ruby documentation seems a little sparse . . . 1: how...

Efficient accessor for new_record?s in ActiveRecord relationship?

Just getting through some of the issue backlog and could use some input on best-practices for what seems like it should be a common scenario. (Rails 2.3.5) Let's say we've got form for creating posts for a blog using mass-assignment. The create action looks something like: def create if @blog.update_attributes(params[:blog]) redi...

Rails app does not recognize mass assigned belongs_to association in production

I have an Account model that belongs to an account manager: class Account < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :account_manager, :class_name => 'User' validates_presence_of :account_manager end My controller looks like this: def create @account =[:account]) ... A request looks like this: Started POST "/acco...