I'm using Rails 2.3.2, and trying to get a nested object form to work properly. I've narrowed my problem to the issue that Rails is not setting my nested form elements with the *_attributes required to initiate the accepts_nested_attributes_for processing.
My model code is:
class Person < Party
has_one :name, :class_name => "PersonName"
accepts_nested_attributes_for :name, :allow_destroy => true
class PersonName < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
My view code looks like this (I'm using HAML):
%h3 New customer
= error_messages_for :person, :person_name, :name, :country
- form_for :person, :url => collection_url, :html => {:class => 'MainForm'} do |person_form|
- @person.build_name unless @person.name
- person_form.fields_for :name do |name_form|
= name_form.label :given_name, "First Name:"
= name_form.text_field :given_name
= name_form.label :family_name, "Last Name:"
= name_form.text_field :family_name
= hidden_field_tag :inviter_id, params[:inviter_id]
= hidden_field_tag :inviter_code, params[:inviter_code]
%p= submit_tag "Create"
= link_to 'Back', collection_url
Instead of params being:
{"person"=>{"name_attributes"=>{"given_name"=>"Fred", "family_name"=>"Flintstone"}}, ...}
I get:
{"person"=>{"name"=>{"given_name"=>"Fred", "family_name"=>"Flintstone"}}, ...}
As a result, I get a TypeMismatch exception. I've followed the documentation from Ryan Daigle. I've also followed the advice from this blog and the complex-forms-example.
Using Firebug, I went through my form and adjusted the name attribute of the input tags from name to name_attributes. This produced the params with name_attributes, and the create worked fine.
I'm stuck as I cannot figure out why my form is not producing the *_attributes form of the name.
Another thing I tried is I got the complex_form_example working in my environment. I've gone through every inch of the controller, models and views and compared it to my code. I cannot find what is different. I know this is something small, and would appreciate any help!