
In Vaadin a good OO approach is to split your UI logic into custom components that implement a single piece of application UI and maximize the re-usability.

Inherit CustomComponent and build the user interface there and add all event handlers there too. Publish only logical API. The same applies to events. For example: The class OrderEditor extends CustomComponent with functions like setOrder(Order) and getOrder(). Where Order is your business class. Builds a UI for manipulating the Order object. Optionally calls saveOrder(Order) in your service API or sends a OrderChanged event to be handled elsewhere.

It has also been argued that CustomComponent is not much different from the Layout classes. That means it shouldn't make a big difference to extend those instead of CustomComponent. However, the main point here is that you are composing logical pieces of UI with logical business API - publishing only minimal amount of Vaadin APIs that let you manipulate the internal implementation of your component.
