Short version: I am interested in some Clojure code which will allow me to specify the transformations of x (e.g. permutations, rotations) under which the value of a function f(x) is invariant, so that I can efficiently generate a sequence of x's that satisfy r = f(x). Is there some development in computer algebra for Clojure? For (a trivial) example
(defn #^{:domain #{3 4 7}
:range #{0,1,2}
:invariance-group :full}
f [x] (- x x))
I could call (preimage f #{0}) and it would efficiently return #{3 4 7}. Naturally, it would also be able to annotate the codomain correctly. Any suggestions?
Longer version: I have a specific problem that makes me interested in finding out about development of computer algebra for Clojure. Can anyone point me to such a project? My specific problem involves finding all the combinations of words that satisfy F(x) = r, where F is a ranking function and r a positive integer. In my particular case f can be computed as a sum
F(x) = f(x[0]) + f(x[1]) + ... f(x[N-1])
Furthermore I have a set of disjoint sets S = {s_i}, such that f(a)=f(b) for a,b in s, s in S. So a strategy to generate all x such that F(x) = r should rely on this factorization of F and the invariance of f under each s_i. In words, I compute all permutations of sites containing elements of S that sum to r and compose them with all combinations of the elements in each s_i. This is done quite sloppily in the following:
(use 'clojure.contrib.combinatorics)
(use 'clojure.contrib.seq-utils)
(defn expand-counter [c]
(flatten (for [m c] (let [x (m 0) y (m 1)] (repeat y x)))))
(defn partition-by-rank-sum [A N f r]
(let [M (group-by f A)
image-A (set (keys M))
;integer-partition computes restricted integer partitions,
;returning a multiset as key value pairs
rank-partitions (integer-partition r (disj image-A 0))
(apply concat (for [part rank-partitions]
(let [k (- N (reduce + (vals part)))
rank-map (if (pos? k) (assoc part 0 k) part)
all-buckets (lex-permutations (expand-counter rank-map))
(apply concat (for [bucket all-buckets]
(let [val-bucket (map M bucket)
filled-buckets (apply cartesian-product val-bucket)]
(map vec filled-buckets)))))))))
This gets the job done but misses the underlying picture. For example, if the associative operation were a product instead of a sum I would have to rewrite portions.