Your requirements are not clear, and I'll try to explain why.
Let's define table students
ID FirstName LastName
1 John Smith
2 Mike Smith
3 Ben Bray
4 John Bray
5 John Smith
6 Bill Lynch
7 Bill Smith
Query with WHERE clause:
FirstName in ('Mike', 'Ben', 'Mike')
will return 2 rows only, because it could be rewritten as:
FirstName='Mike' or FirstName='Ben' or FirstName='Mike'
WHERE is filtering clause that just says if existing row satisfy given conditions or not (for each of rows created by FROM clause.
Let's say we have subquery that returns any number of non distinct FirstNames
In case if SQ contains 'Mike', 'Ben', 'Mike' using inner join you can get those 3 rows without problem
Select ST.* from Students ST
Inner Join (Select name from …. <your subquery>) SQ
Result will be:
ID FirstName LastName
2 Mike Smith
2 Mike Smith
3 Ben Bray
Note data are not ordered by order of names returning by SQ. If you want that, SQ should return some ordering number, eg.:
Ord Name
1. Mike
2. Ben
3. Mike
In that case query should be:
Select ST.* from Students ST
Inner Join (Select ord, name from …. <your subquery>) SQ
Order By SQ.ord
And result:
ID FirstName LastName
2 Mike Smith (1)
3 Ben Bray (2)
2 Mike Smith (3)
Now, let's se what will happen if subquery returns
Ord Name
1. Mike
2. Bill
3. Mike
You will end up with
ID FirstName LastName
2 Mike Smith (1)
6 Bill Lynch (2)
7 Bill Smith (2)
2 Mike Smith (3)
Even worse, if you have something like:
Ord Name
1. John
2. Bill
3. John
Result is:
ID FirstName LastName
1 John Smith (1)
4 John Bray (1)
5 John Smith (1)
6 Bill Lynch (2)
7 Bill Smith (2)
1 John Smith (3)
4 John Bray (3)
5 John Smith (3)
This is an complex situation, and you have to clarify precisely what requirement is.
If you need only one student with the same name, for each of rows in SQ, you can use something like SQL 2005+):
;With st1 as
Select Row_Number() over (Partition by SQ.ord Order By ID) as rowNum,
from Students ST
Inner Join (Select ord, name from …. <your subquery>) SQ
Select ID, FirstName, LastName
From st1
Where rowNum=1 -- that was missing row, added later
Order By ord
It will return (for SQ values John, Bill, John)
ID FirstName LastName
1 John Smith (1)
6 Bill Lynch (2)
1 John Smith (3)
Note, numbers (1),(2),(3) are shown to display value of ord although they are not returned by query.