



How do I determine the host key of the keyboard of my system ?


It's hard to know what you are asking without context. However, putting my psychic debugging hat on, I'm guessing you are asking "When I run Microsoft Virtual Server and the documentation says 'Press the host key' what does it mean?"

This page tells you more - the default is the right Alt key (

In which case, the question doesn't really belong on Stack Overflow, it isn't a programming question. If you are asking something else - sorry, my psychic powers failed me :-)

Nick Fortescue
Actually I am trying to run Android x86 on a netbook, and I have to press Alt + F7 to return back to the GUI from the console screen. But somehow, this combination, that works fine on a PC and laptop is not working on the netbook. i checked around and hence discovered this " host key + F7 " term. Can u help me out in this ?
I've never used either of these systems, but a 10 second google found this web page: does that work for you?
Nick Fortescue