



Hi I would like to start the Internet Explorer without extensions and control it. (Navigate to other pages, click buttons etc.)

When I use the command: "Start iexplore.exe -ArgumentList -extoff" I have the IExplore without extensions, but no object. I need the object to navigate to different pages and click buttons. "$ie = Start iexplore.exe -ArgumentList -extoff" is not possible with the Command "Start X"

The following code create a Com Object and all I want is possible without the "Extensions = off"

  • $ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application
  • $ie.Navigate("")
  • $ie.Navigate("www.Navigate to a other")
  • $ie.Document.getElementById("ButtonID")|foreach{
  • $_.Click()
  • }

This is a real hack but you could tweak the COM startup commandline for IE to pass in the argument -extoff. The registry entry to start IE on my machine (with IE9) is:


Note that you might need to override the regkey permissions to edit the value.

Keith Hill
Hey Keith, thank you very much! Can you tell me more about the editing? I found: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\InternetExplorer.Application\CLSID but what must I edit?
sorry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} is my IE
You edit the default value of the LocalServer32 regkey. The value is the commandline that starts the IE.exe. Just append -extoff outside the double quotes e.g. `"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -extoff`. Once again, this is a hack but it might work for you.
Keith Hill