



I have an iPhone program using Core Location. When I run it on the simulator - the simlulator seems to run very slowly. By this - I mean mouse movements are very slow and jerky. I can see no noticable difference however in CPU utilization, network or disk activity, etc (on the simulator or the Mac itself). This problem only happens when Core Location is enabled, and requesting location update events.

Does anyone know why this is happening or how to avoid it? It is a Core Location problem on the iPhone? The Simulator? The Macintosh?



What's your XCode version ? It may be a simulator problem.

Did you try on device ?

Sometimes the SDK (most of the time during beta), has difficulties. So it can be very slow on simulator ^^

Good Luck

It's the last major release - no betas or anything. It all runs fine on the device. Makes little sense - looks almost like a Mac Core Location problem - because of the way it affects the mouse movement on the Mac.