




Hi guys, I have switched to Mac as my main development machine (coming from Fedora) and was just curious as to what people used as there development folder structure. For example in Fedora I always had ~/opt for user programs ~/src for source code I was working on and ~/bin for files I constantly executed. Is there a Mac de facto. What do you guys perfer?

Thanks, Greg

+1  A: 

I have a big messy folder called "code" full of Xcode projects.

Yea, I would like to keep things more separated and organized :)

I use the directory ~/Developer as the root of my development-related files. Inside that I have ~/Developer/Code for code snippets, tutorial code, test ideas, etc. I have a ~/Developer/Projects directory to hold in-development projects. This contains a few subdirectories, including Archives for projects I've abandoned, and Current for current development work. ~/Projects is also a symlink to ~/Developer/Projects/Current.

Mac seems to have a capitalized directory structure. Us linux guys are lazy and like lower case :)

I have 3 folders in home:

Sandbox - my source control checkouts

Dev - projects that are not in source control (tests, experiments, etc.)

3rdPartyDev - 3rd party code I've downloaded and want to keep around

I try to keep as much 3rd party code around as possible. With the Mac's Spotlight feature, you can instantly search all the code at once. If there's an API I need to see example code for, I just Spotlight for it and chances are some code in there is already using it.

Ken Aspeslagh
How does OS X handle an Applications folder if you create it in ~? Is it user only or is it somehow linked to /Applications?
Where do you put bsh scripts you create?
@gsieranski: ~/Applications is a distinct directory from /Applications. It is (somewhat) special if you create it, as you can see from the special icon that appears. Just a clutter-reducing choice on Apple's part that it isn't created by default.
I just keep commonly used shell scripts in the home folder to they're accessible when I open a new Terminal window. I should probably put them somewhere else and include that in $PATH but I'm too lazy.
Ken Aspeslagh