




Hi, I need a way to export a stashed change to another computer.

On Computer1 I did

$ git stash save feature

I'm trying to get the stash patch to a file and then import it to another computer

$ git stash show -p > patch

This command gives me a file that I can move to another computer where this repo is cloned, but the question is how to import it as a stash again.


+2  A: 

You can apply a patch file (without committing the changes yet) by simply running

git apply patchfile

Then you can simply create a new stash from the current working directory:

git stash
Thanks it works!
Marcelo A
@Marcelo A: Good to hear, but please mark answers you accepted as such by clicking the big checkmark below the vote number of the answer. That way your question will be marked as solved.
@poke: Note that the system won't let the OP mark an answer as "accepted" until some time (15 minutes, I think) has elapsed from the time the question was asked.
Greg Hewgill